Solar Panels: They turn sun rays in savings, but how? 

From sunrise to sunset, photons from the sun are beaming down onto your solar modules. These incoming photons provide the extra energy necessary to initiate a flow of electrons from your silicon solar cells. This flow of electrons is electricity! 

The electricity produced by the solar cells within the solar modules is in the form of direct current (DC) electricity that flows to an inverter. 

The inverter converts the raw DC electricity being produced by your solar modules into alternating current (AC), which is used within your home and by the utility. The converted solar electricity is delivered directly to your home’s main electrical service panel where it is distributed to your loads. If the demands of your loads are met entirely by solar, then the excess electricity flows back to the utility through your electric meter! 

The electric meter measures the net electricity usage, showing the difference between the electricity brought into your home from the utility and sent out of your home by the solar system. The difference is your net consumption – or production! If your net-produce during any billing cycle, the excess will be rolled forward and credited towards your next billing cycle. 

Now that you know how solar works, learn how you can integrate the technology into your home - Schedule a free site assessment today!

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